Tag: elegant lifestyle


Telltale Signs That You Have Expensive Taste

In identifying matters of expensive taste, there is a gift for spotting the finer things of life, simple or grand, that crosses culture, class, and custom. There is an understanding of what is sterling in truth and in the world. This affinity for expensive taste also tends to be reflected in a holding one’s self to a higher standards, clear principles, and morals and ethics, forging a unique life and way of living.
Does any of this sound like you, yet? See if you or someone you know has any of these telltale signs of expensive taste.


How to Romanticize Life Every Day

Romanticization fosters living well and creating a beautiful life. Finding what means the most, brings delight, serves intention, and doing more of that. It encompasses beauty, wonder, and adventure, the very things that make life wonderful, so how can it not lead to better living.


10 Activities for a Soft Summer

In this neck of the virtual sphere, we are not doing a “hot girl summer,” but a “soft girl summer.” One that puts aside stress, complexity, and strife for attractive simplicity, purpose, and delight. A soft lifestyle is living with ease, intention, sustainability, and mindfulness. This can transform your summer into one you’ll thoroughly enjoy.


10 Ways to Get Your Creative Juices Flowing

Have you hit a rut? Sometimes that happens. We get to a place where we’re staring at a blank page or canvas, void of ideas and the creativity has come to a dead halt. Usually, this means it’s time to take a break and change things up a bit to get those creative juices back flowing.


How to Romanticize Your Life

The thought of living a beautiful life is lovely and the wonderful thing is that anyone can do it because the foundation for romanticizing your life is turning the ordinary into the extraordinary and making mundane moments beautiful.


Organize Your Home Before the Summer

For many, it is just as hard to get organized as it is to stay organized. However, for your home to be functional and not cumbersome, organization is vital. You want cleanliness for purity and you want organization to add fluidity and function.


4 Actions To Take This Spring

April is the month of birth and another opportunity to reboot the year. Start new projects. Leave old things behind. Look forward to new activities and results.


10 Elements You Need for Your Glow-Up

The infamous “glow up.” When one seems to positively transform in all aspects of their life, physical, emotional, and mental. Sometimes it seems like a person disappears off the face of the earth and reemerges as an immaculate being. However, getting your “glow up” doesn’t have to be that elusive, mysterious, or complicated. Let’s look at ten elements you need for your glow-up.


My Grown-Up Christmas List

Christmas was a magical time when we were younger. The lights and decorations; those long nights staying up trying to catch Santa Claus; baking Christmas cookies; and most importantly, writing our Christmas lists. We looked forward to getting everything on our lists and seeing the gifts under trees come Christmas morning. To return to childhood bliss!


A Few of My Favorite Things When It’s Christmas

Everyone has that special thing that they like. Those favorite pair of jeans, the genre of music, an odd interest that no one else quite understands… the list can go on. As we are getting close to another holiday, I love seeing my favorite things that I can normally only get or experience about this time of year.


7 Beautifully Delicious Ways to Elevate Your Coffee

There are moments where having your coffee give more can be the cherry on the cake of your day. Be it trying a new blend or adding foam and ground cinnamon, there a various ways to enhance your coffee bringing it from the mundane to sumptuous. Big or small, these changes and additions can help you enjoy that coffee time a little bit more.


10 Signature Items Every Lady Should Have

A signature (item) is as unique and identifiable as a written signature. The signature or signature items that you have should be items that you genuinely love, resonate with, use every day or are self-reflective. They can be as complicated or simple as you like, but as long as they’re yours, people should be able to know that it’s you.